360Medlink et TAVIE se développent en Europe

Following rapid uptake in France and interest shown by partners and prospective clients, 360Medlink confirmed its dedication to expand in Europe and registered a subsidiary in France, MedClinik SAS. With this registration, MedClinik is able to partake in French and European development and experimentation programs such as H2020 and EIT.

In collaboration with European partners including iMinds Belgium, a premiere research organization, TAVIE-Vital was already approved for funding through EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Community and deployment in 2016 to sample private practices in Germany, Sweden and Belgium. The project aims to integrate TAVIE-Vital with an existing care pathways solution to show the value of the integrated care approach and impact on outcomes in the diabetic and pre-diabetic population.

TAVIE-Vital is a VirtualNurseTM intervention focusing on lifestyle behavior to reduce co-morbidities and onset of metabolic disease and improve treatment adherence in the general or pre-diabetic population. Further pilot studies in other territories and therapeutic indication are under review. The experimentation deployments will aim to validate perceived value and cultural adequacy at user level (patients and prescribing healthcare professionals) as well as a sustainable business model according to the different market dynamics.

Pour plus d'informations sur la plateforme, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : info@360medlink.com

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