Clinikly Specialist - Digital Health



Rhode Island, USA

Job description

360Medlink – Where tech innovation meets compassion: accessible, inclusive, equitable.

360Medlink is a Digital Health/Medicine company that has been in a contractual partnership with the Ryan White HIV Provision of Care & Special Populations unit, Medicaid Division since 2016.  Our signature product, TAVIE (now, has been adapted into a customized product known as TAVIE-Red, and is currently being made available to those persons living with HIV who are eligible for Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA)- funded Ryan White Part B services living in the state of Rhode Island.  TAVIE Red is in the process of transitioning to a new brand referred to as  Clinikly Red (formerly TAVIE Red) will be an expanded version of the original mobile application platform and will feature a menu of categorical topics across various diseases as well as such things as wellness, trauma informed approaches and behavioral health activities/modules.

There is an identified need for a Specialist that will be responsible for the entire state (Rhode Island) and the implementation of the application technology platform. The implementation of the program will be predicated upon the current 360Medlink agreement and the deliverables will be illustrated in a Project Plan. That Project Plan will be the basis for the work of the Specialist.

A key role of the Specialist will be to coordinate the various Rhode Island based agencies participating in the program but ensuring that they are compliant in the areas of enrollment, engagement, and sustainability.

Operational tasks and responsibilities will provide details for the assigned Agency Coordinators as well agency leads for These Agency leads will be assigned as part time assistants to the Specialist and act as contacts for agency work eventually the Specialist will work with other clinical providers in the state.


  • Coordinate and review application enrollment with clients and agency case managers, review continual engagement and sustainability for the platform. Setting quarterly goals for enrollment, engagement, and sustainability.
  • Oversee the deliverables in the 360Medlink project plan and conduct a crosswalk with current Ryan White agency contracts relating to 360Medlink deliverables and field representation to ensure requirements are clearly met within the agreements.
  • General field support. Detail each agency and train all case managers responsible for at the agency level. Emphasis here will be upon HIV Targeted Case Management agencies with case managers (approximately 45 case managers need detailing and support). This will involve education and training of case managers and clinicians regarding the Intake policy for as well as management and training for the Console.
  • Outreach to other clinical agencies that provide HIV care and treatment and inform them of the benefits and values of and request recruitment of their patients to
  • Revise the On the Ground Training Manual which includes many sections associated with the implementation of at the organizational level. This will include the creation of an electronic Broadcast Section of the Manual outlining a series of broadcast messages for different client scenarios.
  • With an HIV, Provision of Care and Special Populations lead staff, assist with the facilitation of the weekly Team meetings under the guidance of an appointed HIV Provision of Care staff.
  • Responsible for managing goals associated with each case manager and/or other participants using PRO. Includes monitoring progress associated with PRO user goals and communicating with PRO users who do not have logins.
  • Review and revise the levels of client incentives across both recursive rewards and monetary rewards.
  • Direct, online one on one client coaching via PRO, providing oversight to the Agency Coordinators and all PRO Users to offer troubleshooting with clients, policy support. This will be as needed and in coordination with the Case Managers who are responsible for the daily maintenance of such interactions.
  • Provide lead coordination for onsite support at each agency including case manager motivation and training, sustainability via PRO, troubleshooting and one on one counseling/support, regular meetings as needed.
  • Generate monthly reports for the Ryan White HIV Provision of Care lead staff and 360Medlink leadership.
  • Assist the Ryan White HIV Provision of Care data staff with data review, reports, and work with 360Medlink staff for analytic interpretation, review, and recommendations.
  • With 360Medlink, assist with ongoing evaluation of includes monthly reporting on data/usage/engagement, etc.
  • Create an annual evaluation report for HIV, Provision of Care and Special populations Unit.


Evaluation metrics will be set with the Ryan White HIV Provision of Care & Special Populations unit lead staff and 360 Leadership. Metrics will focus on the above and quantitative elements such as number of new enrolled clients, increased client engagement, increased number of PRO user contacts with clients, increased use of PRO console, etc.

Staff Infra-Structure

  • 360Medlink Leadership (Employment Office and offers technical management, expertise and analytic interpretation, review, and recommendations.)
  • One Specialist per diem contract with 360Medlink, 35 hours per week
  • Team meets regularly and is composed of 360Medlink, EOHHS staff, Specialist, Peers, Agency Leads
  • Organizational Team for Specialist will be: one 360Medlink supervisory senior staff and will coordinate with one HIV, Provision of Care & SP Unit senior staff.  An HIV Provision of Care & SP Unit staff lead will provide daily guidance of the Specialist. This team should meet at least once per week.

Work Location:

  • The candidate must be based in the state of Rhode Island or close proximity.